I really enjoyed reading the article.

I have done the Bowen ranch route twice. If you are out of shape, leave early to return to your parked vehicle, the 900 foot elevation increase takes a lot of effort. I would recommend planning two to three times longer to hike out then the time it took to hike to the springs.

Deep Creek Hot Springs is the only one hot springs I have so far visited.

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Mar 5Edited

Excellent advice!

Most of that 900 feet takes place at the beginning and the end with a somewhat flatter stretch in the middle. Every year they have to rescue a hand full of people who took it in the heat of the day.

Bradford Ridge, which I haven't written about, is longer (3 miles instead of 2) but easier - unless you take the shortcut, which almost everyone does. The "short cut" is a quarter mile of mountain goat terrain. I think I might go that way on April 20.

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I’m always excited to see I have another of Fred’s well written, detailed, wilderness trail hikes to read about. He writes brilliantly in a mode that puts his nudity on the same level as the colour of a new pair of trail shoes.

Even if this one has a little drama and tension we know he’ll end up well,

Reading his tales is such a dichotomy from the nature adventures we can experience here in north central Quebec. Today we hiked on 18” of a frozen lake covered with 2 centimetres of watery slush in 3 degree’s Celsius , how ca we make that interesting.

Keep ‘‘em coming Fred…

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Fred Heiser, I am impressed that You freely brazenly took photos of a Naked Lizard, presumably without his/her consent, & several lovely shots of the showy Sexual Organs of Our symbiotic cohorts in The Kingdom Plantae ( which I admired MySelf with a veteran Deep Crick Naturist Hiker/Soaker last June ), yet You apparently perpetuated nanny notions & legacy phobias & anxieties about Human ProCreative LifeGiving LifeNurturing LoveMaking Joy Organs, by cropping them out, as if perhaps You feel that images of the Human Anatomy might somehow ( pray tell ) do some credible harm to viewers as if they are weapons of mass destruction ( wmds ). Why ( since this platform clearly does not prohibit or censor such images* )?

- mARTy


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WOW !! Another well written and detailed hike plus beautiful photos. Just a lovely experience. We are glad it's getting warm enough for us to start hiking again in the natural way.

T & K

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Written with every details, feels that as if I was with you on this very challenging, thrilling & demanding trail through mountainous terrains..Thoroughly enjoyed..

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