Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jillian Page

It's curious that people claim their new laws are to "protect the children", but can't cite a single peer-reviewed study to support their law.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jillian Page

I'm not surprised. The people proposing this law have rarely, if ever, cited a single peer-reviewed study to support ANY laws they've proposed in the past. Nothing new here.

But I agree it is curious how little noticed this is.

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The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.


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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jillian Page

Many nudists here are politically conservative and support the previous Oval Office Occupant. And nudist resorts and beaches bring a lot of business to Florida. So it'd be foolish for Governor DeSantis to restrict nudism in any way. But he tried to take on Disney to fire up the radical right wing. (And is losing, but that's another, er, strip -- threads are for textiles!)

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Agreed. My impression is that taking on Disney has proven to be rather more time & energy consuming than he thought. My impression is that a large number of non-nudists like to vacation where they don't need a bathing suit. If they need to bring a swim suit to Florida, they may as well go somewhere else. I'd be surprised if desantis tried toechange that.

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jillian Page, Fred

I wonder how many of the vocal “revoke the woke” conservatives have ever actually spoken to a “woke liberal”. I’m sure if they would, they would learn that we all have much more in common than we have in conflict.

It’s a sad thing that Social Media intentionally disassociates people as opposed to bringing people together. These platforms have such a huge influence that is geared to division. They could just as easily promote commonality.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jillian Page

Please bare with me. I must set a basis for what I am to say concerning nudity in the US: I can only speak on what I see, hear, experience. The US collective ego borders on narcissism. Most of the population refuse to think that any other country is as good as the US. They, following the thousand years old footsteps of European Christianity, think it’s their duty to spread their form of morality to everyone, including the Europeans. They most definitely think that they are the center of the world. I think the worst thing about these enlightened conservatives is that, since the US has never been conquered, they are believe they are invincible. They are so certain that this invincible quality is god given that any and all decisions they make to bring everyone in line with their thinking must be true and righteous. The majority of these people have never set foot outside of the US. They don’t have a clue as to how ridiculous they look to rest of the world. Their disdain for nudity has nothing to do with being nude, nor having sex, nor children. It is the collective desire to bring their idea of morality to the world. Many of these people have no issue with nudists. They have an issue with nudists being free to act publicly against what they consider appropriate. In the privacy of their space these conservatives go nude, even around their children, they engage in sex and some even go outside of their marriage to do so. So why are they determine to not accept social nudity? Bring the nudist community into the fold? Say there is a place in their morality package for social nudity, just as there is for private nudity? Social nudity is not their idea. It’s an European concept. A foreign concept that has no place in their scheme of things.

So that’s my thoughts. I may be wrong, but my experiences speaking to the ultra conservatives where I live tells me I am not far from the truth.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jillian Page

As a third generation American on one side and a big question mark on the other, I have to say your experience matches mine. It's rarely actually about the ostensible topic. It's about power, control, & their imaginary entitlement to foist their beliefs onto the world. You could supstitute 'nudity' with dozens of other things and what you've written would still hold largely true.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jillian Page

“Imaginary Entitlement”. Yes. Exactly

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It’s an open secret that many of the current American nudist community lean to the political if not social conservative side. They also tend to be from a social income class that will be able to find options outside the US for social nudity through natourism. So that group tends to be less concerned about this issue than the ordinary everyday individual who is likely to be impacted by the loss of accessible public spaces for social nudity. Lee Baxandall must be rolling over in his grave as his vision for more public spaces (free beaches movement )for social nudity is being diminished.

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I live in the reddest state in the union. The AANR club I am a member of has a lot of conservatives. As for the Left/Right issue, I think the problem lies more with busybodies on both sides of the political spectrum than it does with one side or the other. I hear from plenty of Progressives that think parents who take their kids to a naturist venue should be investigated. I just explained our views and family life to one of the most conservative Christians I know. After a Biblical discussion he decided it wasn't technically wrong, and therefore couldn't throw rocks at the idea.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jillian Page

Two words: I'm scared. (Technically three words, but . . . .)

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jillian Page

Hopefully this counts as a contribution to the culture wars discussion, and may act as a counter to the US issues as it comes via Florida.


The link is to a podcast on the BBC, part of a series labelled Heart and Soul which, I think, relates to spirituality and religion - there is certainly a church focus in this podcast but be assured it is most definitely about naturism and living naked.

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That looks like a good one, Peter. I will listen to it this evening.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jillian Page

I’ll be interested in your views of what’s said (spoiler alert - I’ve got a bet with myself what you’ll think 😁)

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Author

So, I had a listen, and I have mixed feelings about it. First, I am happy for the young lady who has found peace through nudism. But all the Christian talk about God and sin is still a bit too much for me, considering I am a Theosophist who does not view spirituality through Christian lens. And as one guy commented in the podcast, 99 percent of Christians still think nudism is evil and a sin. There is far too much superstition in Christianity for my liking.

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lol. Will try to let you know tomorrow.

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