I finally got around to downloading the substack app on my smartphone. You all have it, right? The app makes things a lot easier for me — as a reader of other newsletters and as host of this one.
Sure, I receive newsletter posts in my email inbox, but I was logging in on my laptop to comment or to “like” comments posted in this forum.
I subscribe to four (or is it five?) newsletters on substack, but I don’t have a lot of free time to visit them on my laptop, what with work and other stuff. Of course I receive them in my email inbox like you do, but if I want to comment on posts, I need quick access. I can read them on the app and comment there, too . . .
WAIT! You’re all way ahead of me, right? You’ve all downloaded the app, yes?
Good riddance, February
February is the cruelest month, I think. It certainly was cruel in my part of the world this year, with deaths of neighbours, layoffs at my newspaper and, of course, the weather: Winter is showing no sign of letting up here. In fact, it seems to be doubling down with unseasonably low temperatures on some days and snow, lots of it.
It’s at this time of the year we grow so weary in the Great White North, which in part is to blame for my less-than-usual monthly output in this forum. Thankfully, Fred Heiser shared some of his great writing with us from California, which has had some weird winter weather this year, too. Fred also shared this video with me:
The Naturism Community is blessed with many fine writers. You read them in the comments to the posts here: some of their responses are articles unto themselves. So, indeed, we have many writers here, which was one of the primary goals for this setting.
That said, if you would like to write some articles for The Naturism Community, give me a heads up in the comment section here and I’ll contact you by email.
Wide open
As always, the monthly open forums are designed to give readers the chance to talk about all things connected to naturism/nudism. I usually give readers a topic or two to consider for the open forums, but this month I leave it wide open.
So, take it away, folks . . .
And a warm welcome to all the newbies who signed up in February!
I certainly don't have the Substack app. I try to keep my phone as clean of apps as possible. Whatever I'm doing, it can wait until I get to my PC.
If I’m being honest, I’ve frequently blown past the open forum entries. Well, not true. I’ve read them, but I’ve never contributed. In fact, I’ve never really thought about contributing. But your cleaner slate approach to this month, intrigued me a bit. So…anything? Sure. Why not.
I enjoy writing, even if no one reads it. I read it. And I find that I enjoy both perspectives — creating and consuming, even when it’s my own work. Naturist writing, over the years, is something that has served as a sort of release for me. Years ago when I first stumbled on the work of “Sunny Day” I became a bit smitten with the idea of naturist writing. Like many, I debated whether or not Sunny was real. But in the end, I didn’t care. Hearing the story, fact or fiction, of someone embracing and sharing naturism with others struck a nerve. It was like living a bit of a naturist life vicariously though someone else’s words.
I think a lot of budding naturists do similarly. They enjoy the stories, the articles, the videos, the pictures, not as voyeurs, but as hidden participants. They plant themselves in a proverbial naturist forest, but remain obscured in the trees, stealing peeks of this beautiful but out-of-reach world.
That struggle to accept and embrace naturism is interesting. Fear and uncertainty are powerful. I’m not talking about blasting out your naturist status on SM, or placing a naturist symbol decal on your car. I’m referring to simply accepting, to yourself, that this is part of who you are, an element of your DNA. And that not only is it ok, but it’s wonderful. Naturist media, whether visual or the written word, helps people get there. It educates some, maybe even many. So I’m a fan of naturist writing, fact or fiction. It helps the curious realize what is possible.