The first signs of spring are finally appearing here in the Great White North, which is still predominantly white. But that will change quickly now as temperatures climb and the snow turns into rivers and streams of water.
We’ll soon be able to sunbathe in the buff on the deck, though it will be the end of April at the earliest when we might be able to skinnydip again in our Laurentian lakes.
As you all know, these are very troubling times around the world as the Russian strongman in the Kremlin terrorizes and murders the people of Ukraine as well terrorizing the whole world with implied threats of nuclear war.
It’s hard to get our heads around that: why would anyone choose such an evil path when he could have done so much good for the world?
I pray that by the time spring officially arrives on the calendar, Vladimir Putin will have been removed from power and an embarrassed Russia will apologize to the world and set about making amends.
Meanwhile, I also pray for the safety and mental wellbeing of all members here, as well as the global community. I think naturists have a lot to give to the world. We may not have a declared universal credo, but we do share a love for peace and acceptance. Let’s carry that forward into the world the best way we can, and hold your loved ones tight.
But this is your forum to talk about naturism and any other matters that may be related. And yes, feel free to also talk about the current global tensions and how they are affecting you and your loved ones.
Over to you . . .
I think I am slowly drifting away from nudism/naturism and I am just interested in recreational nudity without all the -ism parts. I just enjoy being naked when the climate is favorable and the company - if any - is accepting. Not interested in being a voice in the wilderness or proselyting or even being particularly social. Less stress that way. Does that make sense?
I am still hopeful. I started an account on twitter where I document my nudist life and will continue to do so. I have totally private back yard and I hope to spend a lot of naked time out there once warm weather hits. for those who don't know my twitter handle is'@oldnudistguy'. I hope to hear from fellow nudists on twitter about what are doing in their lives.