Public nudity is not illegal in California. Social pressures are such that even in this comparatively liberal state, one covers up when one encounters textiles. A hat is about the minimum covering one might use, is the quickest thing one might grab, and does not involve carrying anything extra. I meet someone *unexpectedly* on the trail maybe once a year. The hat goes back on my head as soon as I can determine the encounter isn't a negative one. I am obviously naked but stll taking account of the other person's sensibilities.
It sounds like you meet people regularly on your lake. Wouldn't being clothed in water be adequate?
Legal or not, if someone is upset with my nudity, they may call the gendarnerie, They WILL respond. That itself is a supreme headache because I don't know how it will work out. It could be anything from nothing to being arrested and detained while they decide whether they thought you were doing something lewd. That is a level of stress I am unwilling to accept.
If the people who saw me, knew me at all well, I wouldn't bother covering up. They already know I'm a nudie and have probably seen me nude at one time or another or at least I have told them what to expect.
Probably the worst case scenario is meeting someone who I don't consider a friend but whom I have to associate with. And the only reason they wouldn't know I was a nudie is if I were confidant they were hostile to the idea, yet the association with them was unavoidable. We have a lot of extreme social conservatives in my neighborhood.
Of course, where I hike the probability of meeting anyone unexpectedly on the trail is very small. If I did meet someone, the probability I'd know them approaches zero. I don't worry about numbers that small. If I did, I'd never leave my house. Driving is more dangerous than the trail.
I don't consider it shame. I consider it a combination of pragmatism and courtesy. I have had positive encounters on the trail where the person thanked me for the cover-up.
I think it how it works out depends where you live. In VT, like CA, public nudity is also legal. Though the culture is different, I think a big part of it is the population density. Population of VT is a little over 600,000, the city of Los Angeles has over 3 million. I think less people gives VT a more relaxed attitude. I don't know about California, but I know in VT if someone called the police because the saw a nude hiker, the cop would most likely resp, "what do you want me to do about it?"
I have hiked in VT, many people have. I have even seen mixed groups on trails and swimming holes, even passed a summer camp group of some boys (not sure if they are scouts or not) on a hike, where some were wearing nothing but a breechcloths.
With that said, if I was in CA I would never hike nude, because like you said it is to much of a gamble in a dense area, greatering the chance I believe for a more charge reaction.
And yet I hike nude frequently, as is obvious from my posts. It is all about time and place. (I also wear clothes when called for. The hiking is more important than the nudity.) If the traffic is light you can go from downtown LA to wilderness in an hour. And the people...
We are surrounded by beautiful wilderness and yet maybe one in hundreds actually goes out to explore it on a weekend. People who go out to the wild hardly get onto the beaten path, let alone off it. Most go to a few well known attractions. Most stay in vehicles and cruise dirt roads. Midweek, I pretty have the remote places to myself.
I meet an unexpected person every year or so. People who hike the remote trails are generally not the nervous or easily offended type. There's a guy who likes to head up nude hiking trips in SoCal. They tend to be bolder than I am, doing their thing over weekends and at trailheads that are more easily accessed. OTOH, it is a ***coed group*** and not a solo male, which makes it easier for the people they encounter to accept "nudist" rather than assume "pervert." (Lately I cannot keep up with their pace. 😯 Solo is what is left.)
A single guy in a remote and isolated location raises red flags and alarms for women - and for the men who want to protect them. Nudity makes it even more problematic for textiles. It is a curse, but it is also inevitable, so I do my best to avoid the problem. A woman does not encounter the automatic hostility a guy does. She will not be assumed to be a predator of other women and children. Hence an effort to reduce my threat profile when an encounter does happen.
Have you followed the "Would you rather meet a man or a bear in the woods" debate? It is instructive on why a man in the woods is viewed as inherently dangerous by a significant portion of the population. (Probably does not apply to women who do much wilderness hiking.)
Boy Scouts. Which aren't Boy Scouts any more. They are just Scouts because It was decided to be discriminatory. The Girl Scouts have not been forced to change their name.
It s stupid because my daughter liked to go out on Boy Scout outings with her younger brother because the Girl Scouts were so lame. Too much crafting and not enough outdoor adventure. The name meant nothing.
Back in the day when there were no females involved, no small digital cameras, and before the big pedophilia scares, swimming at camp or on the trail was clothing optional, with very few taking the option. After all, we were all completely used to nude showers after PE. (At least for boys. Girls camp may have been completely different.) But then things happened and the breech cloth came into more common use and nudity vanished.
If you've ever watched a movie, "Little Darlings," there's a scene where you see a boys' camp across a lake and boys are lined up nude on the dock and diving into the water. That would have been completely normal in the 70s.
It was the same with my daughter: no interest in Girl Scouts as it was too crafty and not outdoorsy. She did get to do a couple of multi-day bicycle trips with her younger brother's scout troop.
Sometime back in the last century I was on the coastal train running north from Barcelona. We were pleasantly surprised at the number of nudists we saw dotted along the quieter bits of beach before we got to the package tourist nightmares of Blanes and Lloret de Mar where we saw no nudity. Further north along the Costa Brava where the coast got more rugged towards Palamos and beyond there were some glorious nude beaches - i.e. Cala de l'Illa Roja. Beyond there there are smaller and quieter out of high season nudist spots past Cadaques like Cala Jugadora, which Salvador Dalí knew of, but I've never seen a painting of him naked there!
Years later that same train journey revealed less nudists at those formerly quieter spots and more concrete accomodation for package tourists had appeared there. With the guests seemingly intent on wandering around in miniscule tight-fitting outfits rather than relaxing comfortably naked like those we'd seen years before there.
I think this might reflect why the local Catalan nudists have found their previously wonderfully naked beaches being taken over by this strange sub-species of human who thinks that nudity is wrong while wearing these miniature outfits that highlight certain body areas. Talking with friends who either live there or come from the region seems to back this up.
Just as I've seen favourite nudist beaches here in the UK get more textile visitors, (that was very much the case during Covid, when people were not supposed to travel!). I've seen what were once wonderful nudist beaches on Greek islands gain more concrete and those weirdos who prefer clothing appearing in greater numbers soon afterwards.
I'm not part of both the nudist and LGBT+ camps so I can't really comment on whether nudity should or should not be encouraged at Pride events. I have seen public nudity near where Pride events were taking place and as a no doubt 'biased' nudist I found that welcome. I saw that in the same way as how I've approached being naked in public at WNBRs. I want to normalise nudity and back the right to bare all.
If nudists have no hang ups about baring all socially then why do we have to contend with prudes imposing their worldview on us? Giving in to them means that we'll forever be hastily 'covering up' to meet others expectations when nudity is natural.
I think that it is a good thing that nudists promote social nudity at Pride, just as British Naturism promotes social nudity at some non-naturist events. I don't think that the fact that Pride is aimed more at certain parts of society matters any more than say an exhibition promoting different types of holidays.
It seems from what you are saying what is going on in Spain is outside; greedy corporations are taking over the once solitary local naturist areas and making them into their own textile tourist hotspots. This sounds more like a local municipality issue that is effecting, from what I am reading, all of Spain lately, not just the naturists.
Likewise, I was in Vienna last summer and visited one of the many local FKK swimming/park zones in the city. Areas are clearly marked with official "FKK" signage at the location and marked off on official city maps available at tourist and culture centers and kiosks throughout the city. When I was there, the areas were filled with naturists of all ages, including families, many of whom I assume are local, as all I heard spoken was German around me.
Vienna also has strict AirBnB laws, and over the years since COVID, it has actually had a reduction in tourists (or a certain kind of tourists) with a successful social media campaign, telling potential tourists, you can come here, but be respectful of us and our local culture. This is not the place to come and party.
Unfortunately, it looks as if Spain is not doing this, and it just makes me not want to travel to Spain. And with all the bad press the country has been getting (water guns at Taco Bell of all places) and other articles written about the rent and locals being forced out of their places of residence, I would not be surprised to see those numbers drop in a couple of years.
As for the beaches in UK and Greece, I would not be surprised if Instagram has a contributing factor to that. With naturist beaches tending to be more beautiful than textile beaches, I would not be surprised if some influencer went to these beaches to take a photo of a sunset, post it, and then a bunch of non-naturists go to see the sunset.
That is an oxymoron. All corporations, in fact all organizations, are inherently greedy. There is a struggle over resources. There is no such a thing as having enough resources because more is always better. That's why we have governments, to provide a check against "greediness."
Of course, government is itself a greedy institution, which is why there are supposed to be fixed limits on what it can do. Like any corporation, government will spend a lot of time seeking out ways to avoid their limitations.
Naturism, and Pride Collectivism are too different aspects of expression. While naturism is a lifestyle, pride collectivism is an expression of solidarity. Being nude part of the Naturist lifestyle. Identifying oneself as one of LGBTQ+ only means identifying oneself own gender orientation. If a Pride March involves nudists/naturists who identify themselves as one of LGBTQ+, being nude at such Pride Marches does not mean anything. It’s rather confusing for other who do not identify themselves with either - Pride and/or Naturism. It’s best both are kept independent. At a Naturist meeting, everyone is Gender & Body positive at first glance (lifestyle level). At a Pride March, everyone is Gender and Orientation Inclusiveness Positive. If both are mixed together, then it sends out a different message. It’s best these are kept independent of each other as both have their own strengths. Interleaving them would only diminish their core worth at that point in time as perceived by others. For coexistence with inclusion, any diminishing value will only push the acceptance further down the years. These views are solely mine, with due respect to all and their views, identifications and lifestyles across all Humans.
Nice article & very good topic.. We can't stand up if the social nudism is legally disallowed,(depending on where we live,) then here we have to step back & only practice the social nudism within the restricted boundaries with restricted known friends/people. However every naturist can stand up for social nudism if it is allowed legally. Generally the law makers draft the laws in favor of the majority of the people, & unfortunately the social nudism as it is being followed by a minority of the people, always the chances are to step back from social nudism in case of the majority of the countries, except the countries like UK, wherein social nudism is legally allowed.
I have friends who live in Vienna or regularly visit the city and have heard how they seem to cater for FKK well there and that they are very popular.
I wouldn't say that Spain is anti-nudity, There is a very central beach in Barcelona for nudists. I am inclined to agree that the large number of clothed beach visitors to what were formerly very popular nude beaches is due to social media, when these beaches are still outside of the 'development' of coastal regions. Those that are more remote seem to be faring better as nude places still, as ever. This is a pattern that seems to be repeated all around the world. 'Development' occurs in beautiful places because 'developers' see £s, $s ,€s etc.
Many places in Spain are in the midst of active campaigns by locals against tourism. Places like Mallorca and Malaga which are heavily invested in tourism see locals priced out of being able to live there. AirBnB and its like are ripping places apart for the love of money, without putting anything back into those communities, instead raking the proceeds up and taking them to another continent, paying very little in taxes in the countries where they've out-priced the locals as when they have a base in another continent that is often in the country which bribes them to go there by offering low tax regimes, while the money they earn has come from another country. Its called screwing people. Venice, Amsterdam, Dubrovnik are among many places which attract many tourists but can't take the numbers who invade their city for a few hours before shooting off to the next Instagramable city. I get why locals fired water pistols at tourists, and if it was at Taco Bell even more so. It certainly made the media and got their story out there, although possibly not in the best light. They are trying to preserve their home towns, not see them transformed into cash cows for 'greedy corporations' whose bland products have no real connection to those communities and lead to places worldwide becoming homogenised replicas of each other. Clone zone culture, food, drink and clothes; even where nudists formerly held sway.
Let’s see. Huum. If I am reading this correctly, some people think that if you are non heterosexual nudist attending a non heterosexual pride gathering you are being sexual. Implying that. If you are a heterosexual nudist attending a heterosexual pride gathering you are not being sexual. There is no rationale in this statement. Absolute bull shit
Substack flags this up as ‘May contain explicit content’! Censoring algorithms gone mad. I see the words ‘naturism’ and ‘nudism’. Unless there is some 3-point font in white hiding on the page that I can't read, but which can be machine-read then all I see otherwise is a beautiful view of a lake and its surroundings. Social media repeatedly spreads hate-speech in all of its forms and has contributed to riots, deaths and international incidents, yet Substack sees nudism and naturism and suggests that there might be explicit content. Many who read this are naturists and nudists; we're used to nudity and the words that describe our way of life.
In case the white font reference needs explaining - using white font on a white background was a ruse for hiding keywords in things like job applications, machines could read it but not humans, unless they changed the the background to a darker theme. It is probably too well-known by HR these days to get away with trying it now. It was also a good way to gain a higher-ranking search engine result.
"I have to be careful. C’est la vie."
Public nudity is not illegal in California. Social pressures are such that even in this comparatively liberal state, one covers up when one encounters textiles. A hat is about the minimum covering one might use, is the quickest thing one might grab, and does not involve carrying anything extra. I meet someone *unexpectedly* on the trail maybe once a year. The hat goes back on my head as soon as I can determine the encounter isn't a negative one. I am obviously naked but stll taking account of the other person's sensibilities.
It sounds like you meet people regularly on your lake. Wouldn't being clothed in water be adequate?
Legal or not, if someone is upset with my nudity, they may call the gendarnerie, They WILL respond. That itself is a supreme headache because I don't know how it will work out. It could be anything from nothing to being arrested and detained while they decide whether they thought you were doing something lewd. That is a level of stress I am unwilling to accept.
If the people who saw me, knew me at all well, I wouldn't bother covering up. They already know I'm a nudie and have probably seen me nude at one time or another or at least I have told them what to expect.
Probably the worst case scenario is meeting someone who I don't consider a friend but whom I have to associate with. And the only reason they wouldn't know I was a nudie is if I were confidant they were hostile to the idea, yet the association with them was unavoidable. We have a lot of extreme social conservatives in my neighborhood.
Of course, where I hike the probability of meeting anyone unexpectedly on the trail is very small. If I did meet someone, the probability I'd know them approaches zero. I don't worry about numbers that small. If I did, I'd never leave my house. Driving is more dangerous than the trail.
I don't consider it shame. I consider it a combination of pragmatism and courtesy. I have had positive encounters on the trail where the person thanked me for the cover-up.
I think it how it works out depends where you live. In VT, like CA, public nudity is also legal. Though the culture is different, I think a big part of it is the population density. Population of VT is a little over 600,000, the city of Los Angeles has over 3 million. I think less people gives VT a more relaxed attitude. I don't know about California, but I know in VT if someone called the police because the saw a nude hiker, the cop would most likely resp, "what do you want me to do about it?"
I have hiked in VT, many people have. I have even seen mixed groups on trails and swimming holes, even passed a summer camp group of some boys (not sure if they are scouts or not) on a hike, where some were wearing nothing but a breechcloths.
With that said, if I was in CA I would never hike nude, because like you said it is to much of a gamble in a dense area, greatering the chance I believe for a more charge reaction.
And yet I hike nude frequently, as is obvious from my posts. It is all about time and place. (I also wear clothes when called for. The hiking is more important than the nudity.) If the traffic is light you can go from downtown LA to wilderness in an hour. And the people...
We are surrounded by beautiful wilderness and yet maybe one in hundreds actually goes out to explore it on a weekend. People who go out to the wild hardly get onto the beaten path, let alone off it. Most go to a few well known attractions. Most stay in vehicles and cruise dirt roads. Midweek, I pretty have the remote places to myself.
I meet an unexpected person every year or so. People who hike the remote trails are generally not the nervous or easily offended type. There's a guy who likes to head up nude hiking trips in SoCal. They tend to be bolder than I am, doing their thing over weekends and at trailheads that are more easily accessed. OTOH, it is a ***coed group*** and not a solo male, which makes it easier for the people they encounter to accept "nudist" rather than assume "pervert." (Lately I cannot keep up with their pace. 😯 Solo is what is left.)
A single guy in a remote and isolated location raises red flags and alarms for women - and for the men who want to protect them. Nudity makes it even more problematic for textiles. It is a curse, but it is also inevitable, so I do my best to avoid the problem. A woman does not encounter the automatic hostility a guy does. She will not be assumed to be a predator of other women and children. Hence an effort to reduce my threat profile when an encounter does happen.
Have you followed the "Would you rather meet a man or a bear in the woods" debate? It is instructive on why a man in the woods is viewed as inherently dangerous by a significant portion of the population. (Probably does not apply to women who do much wilderness hiking.)
Come to LA area and we'll do a freehike together.
Boy Scouts. Which aren't Boy Scouts any more. They are just Scouts because It was decided to be discriminatory. The Girl Scouts have not been forced to change their name.
It s stupid because my daughter liked to go out on Boy Scout outings with her younger brother because the Girl Scouts were so lame. Too much crafting and not enough outdoor adventure. The name meant nothing.
Back in the day when there were no females involved, no small digital cameras, and before the big pedophilia scares, swimming at camp or on the trail was clothing optional, with very few taking the option. After all, we were all completely used to nude showers after PE. (At least for boys. Girls camp may have been completely different.) But then things happened and the breech cloth came into more common use and nudity vanished.
If you've ever watched a movie, "Little Darlings," there's a scene where you see a boys' camp across a lake and boys are lined up nude on the dock and diving into the water. That would have been completely normal in the 70s.
It was the same with my daughter: no interest in Girl Scouts as it was too crafty and not outdoorsy. She did get to do a couple of multi-day bicycle trips with her younger brother's scout troop.
Sometime back in the last century I was on the coastal train running north from Barcelona. We were pleasantly surprised at the number of nudists we saw dotted along the quieter bits of beach before we got to the package tourist nightmares of Blanes and Lloret de Mar where we saw no nudity. Further north along the Costa Brava where the coast got more rugged towards Palamos and beyond there were some glorious nude beaches - i.e. Cala de l'Illa Roja. Beyond there there are smaller and quieter out of high season nudist spots past Cadaques like Cala Jugadora, which Salvador Dalí knew of, but I've never seen a painting of him naked there!
Years later that same train journey revealed less nudists at those formerly quieter spots and more concrete accomodation for package tourists had appeared there. With the guests seemingly intent on wandering around in miniscule tight-fitting outfits rather than relaxing comfortably naked like those we'd seen years before there.
I think this might reflect why the local Catalan nudists have found their previously wonderfully naked beaches being taken over by this strange sub-species of human who thinks that nudity is wrong while wearing these miniature outfits that highlight certain body areas. Talking with friends who either live there or come from the region seems to back this up.
Just as I've seen favourite nudist beaches here in the UK get more textile visitors, (that was very much the case during Covid, when people were not supposed to travel!). I've seen what were once wonderful nudist beaches on Greek islands gain more concrete and those weirdos who prefer clothing appearing in greater numbers soon afterwards.
I'm not part of both the nudist and LGBT+ camps so I can't really comment on whether nudity should or should not be encouraged at Pride events. I have seen public nudity near where Pride events were taking place and as a no doubt 'biased' nudist I found that welcome. I saw that in the same way as how I've approached being naked in public at WNBRs. I want to normalise nudity and back the right to bare all.
If nudists have no hang ups about baring all socially then why do we have to contend with prudes imposing their worldview on us? Giving in to them means that we'll forever be hastily 'covering up' to meet others expectations when nudity is natural.
I think that it is a good thing that nudists promote social nudity at Pride, just as British Naturism promotes social nudity at some non-naturist events. I don't think that the fact that Pride is aimed more at certain parts of society matters any more than say an exhibition promoting different types of holidays.
It seems from what you are saying what is going on in Spain is outside; greedy corporations are taking over the once solitary local naturist areas and making them into their own textile tourist hotspots. This sounds more like a local municipality issue that is effecting, from what I am reading, all of Spain lately, not just the naturists.
Likewise, I was in Vienna last summer and visited one of the many local FKK swimming/park zones in the city. Areas are clearly marked with official "FKK" signage at the location and marked off on official city maps available at tourist and culture centers and kiosks throughout the city. When I was there, the areas were filled with naturists of all ages, including families, many of whom I assume are local, as all I heard spoken was German around me.
Vienna also has strict AirBnB laws, and over the years since COVID, it has actually had a reduction in tourists (or a certain kind of tourists) with a successful social media campaign, telling potential tourists, you can come here, but be respectful of us and our local culture. This is not the place to come and party.
Unfortunately, it looks as if Spain is not doing this, and it just makes me not want to travel to Spain. And with all the bad press the country has been getting (water guns at Taco Bell of all places) and other articles written about the rent and locals being forced out of their places of residence, I would not be surprised to see those numbers drop in a couple of years.
As for the beaches in UK and Greece, I would not be surprised if Instagram has a contributing factor to that. With naturist beaches tending to be more beautiful than textile beaches, I would not be surprised if some influencer went to these beaches to take a photo of a sunset, post it, and then a bunch of non-naturists go to see the sunset.
"greedy corporations"
That is an oxymoron. All corporations, in fact all organizations, are inherently greedy. There is a struggle over resources. There is no such a thing as having enough resources because more is always better. That's why we have governments, to provide a check against "greediness."
Of course, government is itself a greedy institution, which is why there are supposed to be fixed limits on what it can do. Like any corporation, government will spend a lot of time seeking out ways to avoid their limitations.
<redundancy, not oxymoron . . .>
Belt AND suspenders.
<laugh emoji>
Naturism, and Pride Collectivism are too different aspects of expression. While naturism is a lifestyle, pride collectivism is an expression of solidarity. Being nude part of the Naturist lifestyle. Identifying oneself as one of LGBTQ+ only means identifying oneself own gender orientation. If a Pride March involves nudists/naturists who identify themselves as one of LGBTQ+, being nude at such Pride Marches does not mean anything. It’s rather confusing for other who do not identify themselves with either - Pride and/or Naturism. It’s best both are kept independent. At a Naturist meeting, everyone is Gender & Body positive at first glance (lifestyle level). At a Pride March, everyone is Gender and Orientation Inclusiveness Positive. If both are mixed together, then it sends out a different message. It’s best these are kept independent of each other as both have their own strengths. Interleaving them would only diminish their core worth at that point in time as perceived by others. For coexistence with inclusion, any diminishing value will only push the acceptance further down the years. These views are solely mine, with due respect to all and their views, identifications and lifestyles across all Humans.
So when do we do our own parade?
SF Bay to Breakers, weekend before Memorial Day every year.
World Naked Bike Ride, many different times and places in various cities around the world.
Naked Hiking Day, every summer solstice. Check local laws before participating.
Nice article & very good topic.. We can't stand up if the social nudism is legally disallowed,(depending on where we live,) then here we have to step back & only practice the social nudism within the restricted boundaries with restricted known friends/people. However every naturist can stand up for social nudism if it is allowed legally. Generally the law makers draft the laws in favor of the majority of the people, & unfortunately the social nudism as it is being followed by a minority of the people, always the chances are to step back from social nudism in case of the majority of the countries, except the countries like UK, wherein social nudism is legally allowed.
I have friends who live in Vienna or regularly visit the city and have heard how they seem to cater for FKK well there and that they are very popular.
I wouldn't say that Spain is anti-nudity, There is a very central beach in Barcelona for nudists. I am inclined to agree that the large number of clothed beach visitors to what were formerly very popular nude beaches is due to social media, when these beaches are still outside of the 'development' of coastal regions. Those that are more remote seem to be faring better as nude places still, as ever. This is a pattern that seems to be repeated all around the world. 'Development' occurs in beautiful places because 'developers' see £s, $s ,€s etc.
Many places in Spain are in the midst of active campaigns by locals against tourism. Places like Mallorca and Malaga which are heavily invested in tourism see locals priced out of being able to live there. AirBnB and its like are ripping places apart for the love of money, without putting anything back into those communities, instead raking the proceeds up and taking them to another continent, paying very little in taxes in the countries where they've out-priced the locals as when they have a base in another continent that is often in the country which bribes them to go there by offering low tax regimes, while the money they earn has come from another country. Its called screwing people. Venice, Amsterdam, Dubrovnik are among many places which attract many tourists but can't take the numbers who invade their city for a few hours before shooting off to the next Instagramable city. I get why locals fired water pistols at tourists, and if it was at Taco Bell even more so. It certainly made the media and got their story out there, although possibly not in the best light. They are trying to preserve their home towns, not see them transformed into cash cows for 'greedy corporations' whose bland products have no real connection to those communities and lead to places worldwide becoming homogenised replicas of each other. Clone zone culture, food, drink and clothes; even where nudists formerly held sway.
Let’s see. Huum. If I am reading this correctly, some people think that if you are non heterosexual nudist attending a non heterosexual pride gathering you are being sexual. Implying that. If you are a heterosexual nudist attending a heterosexual pride gathering you are not being sexual. There is no rationale in this statement. Absolute bull shit
Do heterosexual Pride events exist?
As far as I know, not in a parade as such. Much is done at church events ‘celebration of family’ as if only heterosexuals can have families.
Substack flags this up as ‘May contain explicit content’! Censoring algorithms gone mad. I see the words ‘naturism’ and ‘nudism’. Unless there is some 3-point font in white hiding on the page that I can't read, but which can be machine-read then all I see otherwise is a beautiful view of a lake and its surroundings. Social media repeatedly spreads hate-speech in all of its forms and has contributed to riots, deaths and international incidents, yet Substack sees nudism and naturism and suggests that there might be explicit content. Many who read this are naturists and nudists; we're used to nudity and the words that describe our way of life.
In case the white font reference needs explaining - using white font on a white background was a ruse for hiding keywords in things like job applications, machines could read it but not humans, unless they changed the the background to a darker theme. It is probably too well-known by HR these days to get away with trying it now. It was also a good way to gain a higher-ranking search engine result.