“Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear.”
— John Lennon
I’ve often noted to myself how a workweek can seem so long, yet the years seem to fly by. More so as we get older, too.
The start of a new year can serve as a reminder that life is indeed very short and we should strive to make the most of our precious time on this planet.
That’s one of my New Year’s resolutions for 2024: try to make the moments count more than I did in 2023, both in my contributions to universal brotherhood and in my personal activities — among them, meditating au naturel by a lake in a Quebec forest. It is amazing how much more you hear and feel and smell when you close your eyes in such a natural environment.
The serenity of moments like those help to boost my immunity to the negative thought streams of the world, to which I am exposed daily through the functions of my job as a newspaper editor. Perhaps that is what drew me to naturism in the first place. I think we all find some inner peace when we have the opportunity to embrace naturism, especially when we achieve through it some sense of Oneness with Mother Nature, if not the universe.
With those thoughts in mind, I wish you all inner peace in the new year, and as much happiness as we can have in these troubled times. May we all carry the harmony of naturism out into the world.
As always, the monthly open forums are for members to talk about all things related to naturism and nudism. Pick up on some of my points here, or introduce your own.
And a warm welcome to all the new members here.
Best wishes to all.
— Jillian
As usual Jill, I find your comments and thoughts steeped with potential for positive on many fronts.
Is this not the basic premise of Naturism……. !
Inner Peace, Love, and Understanding?
Thinking about how each of those words could individually contribute to actualizing the reality of them as a concept is a great place to start.
Peace in 2024.
Here it has begun with severe wind warnings, coastal flooding, frost at night, but not a lot of rain.